
What is their diet before British first came to Australia?

Before British settlement, Aboriginals  people survived of the native plants and animals in Australia  for thousands of years. Across the many different environments of Australia, they knew how to find food and water that is how they can eat and drink for thousands of years.
. Birds like a Emu
Lizards, snakes and moths
these are some of the thing that they hurt and kill with their weapon.
Like the Boomerangs

How has the Aboriginal diet changed since Colonisation?

The Aboriginal diet has changed since 1788 because when  the British first came to Australia,  they started to changed the types of food used to eat. For example cows, sheep, potato  and corn. The way they grew the food first started with farming and then in factories. The British needed to clear land for the farms, so the food and animals Aboriginals ate had less space to live on and started to die. This meant the Aboriginals needed to eat the new types of food.

This is what it look like in the 1800's farm?

This is the first farm in Sydney the British came here.

How did Aboriginals handle their new diet?

It affected the Aboriginals by they didn't what was good and was bad for them so that leaded to death and drugs  and some people got very sick . Also people who was eating food that they were not used to.